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I'm a composer based in Riga, Latvia. I write music for theater, moving pictures, as well as chamber and symphonic music.
(Lauma Mellēna-Bartkeviča par kameroperu "Kontakts")
Jaunatklāsmes latviešu kameroperā (Armands Znotiņš par kameroperu "Kontakts")
Emīla Dārziņa mūzikas vidusskola
Rīgas Doma kora skola
Latvian Music Academy (composition)
Notable achievements
Winner of Latvian annual theater award "Spēlmaņu nakts" for the show "Ezeriņš"
Winner of Latvian pop music award "Zelta mikrofons" for "Gaujarts - Vibrācijas" and "Manta - Manta"
Recipient of Tālivaldis Ķeniņš composition prize
Father of three
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